What Makes our Program Unique

Saminay El – operates several small business where students have the opportunity to experience the full cycle of food production and explore the management and operation of small enterprises.
Our goal is to provide learning opportunities for students and to generate income to support the school.
Dairy Cows
In 2017 the school started a small dairy herd. The herd of five cows was milked by hand and the milk was used for the school or sold to a collection site.
In 2018 the Local government and the Prefectura de Imbabura through a matching grant, helped us improve our efficiency by building a milk house that has the capacity to milk ten cows simultaneously. They also provided technical equipment and support .
Once cows reach a certain age, their milk production declines and they must be replaced.
Access to breeding bulls is limited, expensive, and dangerous for a school campus.
The local government partnered with the school to develop an artificial insemination program. They donated equipment and provided training. This alternative breeding method is available to local communities for a nominal price.
Artisanal Cheese
Saminay’s cheese plant was built and equipped through a collaborative partnership with several local and private organizations, FAO (World Food and Agriculture Organization) the Prefectura of Imbabura, and Aptive Environmental. These organizations provided monetary, technical and volunteer support.
Iberian Pigs
In 2018 Saminay received five black Iberian pigs as part of a cooperative project between Ecuador and a group from Huelva, Spain. The purpose of this cooperative project is to reintroduce the Iberian pig to Ecuador. The Iberian pigs are slow to mature and market. The meat from these pigs is marketed to specialty markets. A second breed of pig is also raised in a separate area. This breed has a shorter maturity time and can be sold in local markets.