Saminay sits on a 77 acre piece of land strategically located between the villages that we serve. The elevation of the school and surrounding farms is over 10,000 feet with soil which is depleted of nutrients from lack of organic or chemical fertilizers. The majority of our students’ families have small farms where they grow crops and raise small animals. This limits the type of crops that can be grown successfully.
Our goal is to provide opportunities for students to learn how to grow basic and experimental crops and raise healthy animals using both traditional and modern agricultural techniques.
Students spend a portion of their day working on the farm learning how to improve soil fertility, use water efficiently and learn which crops can be successfully grown in the area. The crops grown are used in the school kitchen and the excess is sold in local markets.
A variety of animals are raised on the farm. Students work with both small and large animals learning about breeding, nutrition, and the medical needs of the different animals. The information learned can be then shared with their families. The animals products are used to support the school enterprises.